Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I got Tagged...thanks Jessi :P

8 things I'm passionate about:
1. Pirates
2. My Babies
3. Music
4. Living for yourself, finding ways to be happy
5. Shoes
6. Tinkerbell Stuff
7. My turtle collection
8. Gay Rights!

8 words/phrases I use often:
1. "I'm not even kidding"
2. "I'm not gonna lie"
3. Seriously...
4. DUDE!!
5. For realsies!
6. WTF (and I actually say Double-You-Tee-Eff")
7. "Fatty wants food"
8. "I'm retarded" but its more like "I'm rheethaaardedth" with a lisp

8 things I want to do before I die:
1. Get my CPC
2. Have a place of my own
3. Work somewhere other than the ENT Center
4. Be a single digit size pant
5. Finish reading the sword of truth series
6. Learn to surf!
7. Learn to speak Spanish
8. Move to Cali

8 things I've learned in the past:
1. Men suck
2. Men cant be trusted
3. God loves everyone, even the jerks and stupid people out there
4. marriage is over rated
5. Gay men make the best friends in the world
6. Because I've been hurt so much, I dont trust anyone, and i'm the worlds worst skeptic
8. Humor is the best medicine

8 things I currently want/need:
1. a breath mint
2. Mrs. Schmishmortion
3. A lifted red jeep!
4. Laser hair removal
5. a diet
6. A vacation
7. diet cherry pepsi
8. a new job

8 places I want to see/visit:
1. Sydney
2. Hawaii
3. India
4. Paris
5. DC
6. London
7. Jen :)
8. Oceanside!

8 people I tag:
1. Jen
2. Crystal
3. Jay
4. Rusty
5. Alyson
6. Morgan


Morgan said...

Umm.. there are only six people on your tag. Sorry you still need two more to make eight.Lol jk

Jen said...

love it! And how come I am not number 1 on your places to see/visit??? hmmm???? I love your face

Plaidlobster said...

Dude! Its because I am a loser! I dont think I have even 3 people that read my blog! I gave up at 6!

Alyson said...

Yeehh Haah! I'm on your tag list. I knew you loved me. Missin you! We need to talk!

Alyson said...

By the way... your blog is on my favorites list, and I check it often. (even if I don't normally comment) SEE... some people care. (me)