Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Visits from the cutest nephew ever!

Okay...I LIED!....

THIS is my favorite commercial!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My two favorite commercials!

Yeah, I admit it...I'm a nerd. My two very favorite commericals are both fedex commericals. Best one-liners ever!

"Like a lawnchair!"

AND... "Well said Mr. Turkeyneck!" HAHA I LOVE IT


I think these would be pretty much the coolest cubicles ever

I do like this phone...I bet it doesnt ring as much as mine does :)
That is pretty much the coolest chair ever
Yay surge protector! :)

10 Reasons...

Top 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Wrong
1) Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning. Also apparently those homosexual animals have picked up some unnatural behavior.
2) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.
3) Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.
4) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal.
5) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britney Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.
6) Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children.
7) Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.
8) Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America.
9) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.
10) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.

Friday, October 10, 2008

All I can say is....

New Twilight Trailer! YAY!!


Lake Pics

So, I promised a couple months ago to add more pics of my summer vacays when I got them. they are! CRAP! I need to go on a diet or get on a treadmill or something. SICK!! :) But freaking good times! Note how sunburned I am when I went to Lava Hot Springs? That was a sad sad racoon face I had....
Sandra's family was so amazingly generous. I dont think I've ever met such nice people in my life! We're all gonna go do the alpine slides this winter. Cant wait!
We went to Lava Hot Springs in Idaho to celebrate Sandra's birthday. I gave her this jumbo pack of gum for her birthday cuz she goes through gum like a madwoman! :) Holy crap I got so sunburned. I had some awesome racoon eyes from the sunglasses. eww

Here we are at Bear Lake to celebrate Labor Day...Kinda. we decided to go the weekend before labor day to avoid lots of people and whatnot. Good thing too, because it ended up raining all weekend for labor day. that woulda been sad! The weather was gorgeous the weekend we went! I'd never been to bear lake before and it was an absolute freaking blast!!! We spent the day on the ski doos. My thighs were so sore for a week afterwards from clenching trying not to fall off. Which of course only worked for so many hours. Eventually at one point, we hit a wave just right and I went flying. Good times!
Dude, if I could afford one of these, I would totally do it. SO FUN!
In remembrance of Summer 2008
:( I'm not looking forward to being cold and wet all the time. I really need to get out of Utah. I was not made for cold weather!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I got Tagged...thanks Jessi :P

8 things I'm passionate about:
1. Pirates
2. My Babies
3. Music
4. Living for yourself, finding ways to be happy
5. Shoes
6. Tinkerbell Stuff
7. My turtle collection
8. Gay Rights!

8 words/phrases I use often:
1. "I'm not even kidding"
2. "I'm not gonna lie"
3. Seriously...
4. DUDE!!
5. For realsies!
6. WTF (and I actually say Double-You-Tee-Eff")
7. "Fatty wants food"
8. "I'm retarded" but its more like "I'm rheethaaardedth" with a lisp

8 things I want to do before I die:
1. Get my CPC
2. Have a place of my own
3. Work somewhere other than the ENT Center
4. Be a single digit size pant
5. Finish reading the sword of truth series
6. Learn to surf!
7. Learn to speak Spanish
8. Move to Cali

8 things I've learned in the past:
1. Men suck
2. Men cant be trusted
3. God loves everyone, even the jerks and stupid people out there
4. marriage is over rated
5. Gay men make the best friends in the world
6. Because I've been hurt so much, I dont trust anyone, and i'm the worlds worst skeptic
8. Humor is the best medicine

8 things I currently want/need:
1. a breath mint
2. Mrs. Schmishmortion
3. A lifted red jeep!
4. Laser hair removal
5. a diet
6. A vacation
7. diet cherry pepsi
8. a new job

8 places I want to see/visit:
1. Sydney
2. Hawaii
3. India
4. Paris
5. DC
6. London
7. Jen :)
8. Oceanside!

8 people I tag:
1. Jen
2. Crystal
3. Jay
4. Rusty
5. Alyson
6. Morgan

Sunday, October 5, 2008

I'm a Liberal Conserv-repub-licrat

I wanna thank everyone who has commented on my last blog. I know its a hard issue for people to wanna talk about, but I appreciate everyone's feedback. I'm no expert, and I never claimed to be. I only have my own feelings and what it sums up to is that God loves us all. I know with all my heart God loves each and every individual depsite race, creed, gender, and sexual orientation. I also believe that homosexuality is not a choice, I know in my heart that it was we are genetically programed before birth. My sister said it so eloquently: "God is perfect, or so they say. So why would he genetically engineer people to be homosexual if he didn't love them that way. And it's not a choice. Any who think people choose a life of ridicule, inequality, abuse, unacceptance, and even violence, is not only ignorant but completely insane, in my less than humble opinion." AMEN SISTA!

An LDS scientist by the name of Dr. William Bradshaw, of BYU's biology department was seen on the tv show 60 minutes to discuss genetic research he has done which he believes proves that homosexuality is a result of biologial orientation due to different hormones and genes. Here is a link to an article in the BYU newsletter (published by BYU) about Dr. Bradshaw's believe that people do not choose to be gay, but that it is a genetic predisposition:

Yes, I do believe people often "choose" the homosexual lifestyle" because nowadays its considered "cool" or "hip." But I dont think people should judge true, natural born gays, with people that want to be gay for the wrong reasons.

Ok, now I want to share some political thoughts. I do not consider myself republican, or democratic, or conservative, or even liberal. I do not want to label myself by a particular party. I choose to vote based on policies and principals, not by a "party." If if were to choose a party, I guess you could say I am pretty liberal. But even though I'm a liberal person, I'm still very very conservative. I guess I'm just a walking contradiction. but I dont like to limit m y choices in life. I think each situation needs to be reviewed from all angles. I won't go into it more than that. But what I will say is that I will not vote for Obama. I wish I could. But I will not do it. And I'm not voting for him for many reasons. Its not cause he's black, it has NOTHING to do with race. It has nothing to do with him being a democrat, despite my history of voting republican. Its because I dont think he has the knowledge and experience required to run our nation. I hate his views and he's ideals. I hate that he wants to raise taxes. I hate that he blames Bush for our nations problems. Our economy would be horrible with or without Bush having been elected.

I want to specify that I didn't want to vote for McCain, but I WILL vote for McCain because I refuse to vote for Obama. I do not necessarily agree with all of McCain's views, but just like our last election 4 years ago, its all about "choosing the lesser of two evils." Yes, I voted for Bush 4 years ago, and yes I get lectured and harrassed all the time about it. But I still stand by my vote, and I still support Bush. I didn't want to vote for him, but I truely believe this nation woulda gone to hell had John Kerry became our president.

My BFF had this video clip on her blog, and I totally stole it. I love how passionate he is about his true beliefs, and I love that he can present himself with humor yet still be so educated and well spoken. I hope that you will all take 10 minutes out of your busy schedules and watch what this man has to say.

Its called "BTW I'm voting for McCain/Palin." FREAKING AWESOME!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I dare you to read all of this... there's a topic I've been wanting to vent about, but I've been scared, nervous, hesitant, etc. I dont know if scared is the correct word, because I'm not afraid to express my opinions and beliefs. I am, however, hesitant to approach such a hot topic when I am no expert and I cannot express anything but opinions rather than facts. But here goes. The topic is regarding homosexuality in the LDS church.

I was reading a blog of a friend of mine and she was laughing at this "hysterical" joke her husband made regarding an LDS member that was excommunicated because he supports gay marriage. Here is the direct quote from her blog: {"Duh, if he knows ANYTHING about our church, it is that it is all about a family and marriage. And marriage goes all the way back to Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!!!"I thought his comment was so funny that I almost peed my pants laughing. }

I'll be honest, though I consider the writer of this blog a good friend of mine, I was really upset by their blatant ignorance regarding this topic. I had to close my laptop and walk away so that I didn't post a rude comment on her blog telling her how I felt about such a "joke." I am VERY aware that the LDS church does not support homosexuality or gay marriage. All I keep thinking to myself is wow, he is ignorant. Now, the term ignorant is defined by Merriam-Webster as: destitute of knowledge or education ; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified b: resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence . In fact as I'm posting this, I feel like I'm having deja vu. Wow. I really feel like I've typed this blog before, but I know I haven't. Maybe I've just dealt with a lot of ignorant people lately.
Now, I want to apologize in advance if I may offend anyone with this blog, but I feel like because this is MY blog I have the write to express MY opinion. The writer of the above quoted blog may very well read this, and if you are, please accept my apology if I offend you. However, I request that you hear out what I have to say.

My best friend is a gay mormon. Of course, he no longer can participate in the LDS church. He has shared with me a book called "No More Goodbyes" by an LDS author-Carol Lynn Pearson. I haven't yet finished the book, but I've already read so many profound thoughts that I really suggest every LDS person out there consider reading her books. You can visit her website here: She has also written a book called "Goodbye, I love you." This book was written about her own experiences with her husband who was gay, and died of AIDS. Her experiences are so very touching and it really puts a new perspective on the topic of homosexuality in the LDS church.

I am NO expert regarding religion, and I cannot quote prophets or give you direct scriptures. What I do believe is that God loves ALL of his children. This is a simple fact that I was taught since i was a young child in primary. Do you really think God picks and chooses who to love? Of course not! No one will ever make me belief that God loves Sara more than Sammy because Sara goes to church every sunday and Sammy misses church to take care of his sick grandpa. Just as I believe God doesn't hate my best friend because of his lifestyle. GOD LOVES EVERYONE!!!!

We as human beings have absolutely no right to judge or criticize anyone. We do have the right to disagree, absolutely. It is our God-given, American right to have our own free will and freedom of choice. If you choose to hate gays, fine. But keep your hatred to yourself. Although you may hate the homosexual lifestyle, it is NOT your responsibility to judge or criticize others. Leave that to God, please. No one is perfect. If you were perfect, you would have transcended already. So dont you dare judge me or anyone else. (I'm not saying this to anyone in particular, just in general-we as humans have no right to judge anyone.)

In the books "No More Goodbyes" there is a quote from a young man in response to an article published in the BYU "Daily Universe" which stated: "I read a recent letter to the editor [of your newspaper] with great regret. The author compared my friends and me to murders, satanists, prostitutes, pedophiles, and partakers of beastiality. Imagine having to live with this rhetoric constantly behind spewed at you." The man who wrote this later committed suicide, as do many mormon homosexuals. The constant judgement and criticism of other church members is often the cause of gay suicides.

While reading "No More Goodbyes" there is an entire chapter dedicated to the lack of choices gay mormons have. She mentions how many LDS members commit suicide because they cannot face life with the challenge they are presented. It basically comes down to only two acceptable choices for active LDS members: a life long of complete celibacy, or marrying heterosexual partners. CL Pearson specifically says "most of those marriages have ended in extreme sorrow. A few of the marriages are still intact, with the partners experiencing some satisfaction along with significant difficulty." The other option (which is not approved by the church) is of course, leaving the church and living the lifestyle they cannot deny. I wish I could quote every line of this book, as she phrases it all so eloquently.

There was a study in 2000 that estimated that 5% of people are gay. I imagine this rate has increased significantly over the past few years as homosexuality has gradually become more culturally acceptable. At that rate, at a large family Thanksgiving dinner, the statistics say at least one person would be gay.

(No More Goodbyes, pg 11) "But--but they're not REALLY gay are they?" That is the hope of many of us. "They're really just "so-called gays" who are actually heterosexuals suffering from same -sex attraction that can be healed, aren't they?" CL Pearson mentions that was the exact hope that she had when she married her gay husband. They hoped that being in a loving, committed, heterosexual relationship would cure him of his same sex attraction. They had four children together, who they loved dearly, but this could not change what his own instincts were.

Unfortunately NOTHING can make a gay person straight. Yes, you can choose to ignore your natural instincts, but there is NO CURE. People in the past have tried-they underwent shock therapy, allowing electrodes to burn their genitals, which of course did not cure them. Nowadays, people will fast and pray until near madness, but this doesnt work. Pearson goes on to say "Yes yes, they're really gay. How will this work out in the eternities? I am comfortable leaving that in the hands of God. But for this lifetime, there are people who are truly homosexual, meaning that they fall in love only with people of their own sex and desire with them emotional and physical intimacy."

Do people really think God would rather a gay person marry a straight person and make both of them miserable, just to make it to the highest kingdom of glory? No, I personally don't think so. God loves of us, and therefore wants us to all be happy. If a gay person thinks marriage is the right choice for them, I applaud their efforts and wish them the best of luck. However, (and this is the best quote of the book so far):

"Sleeping in the garage does not make you a car. Nor does sleeping with a heterosexual spouse make you straight."

Seriously? I love this book. It is so refreshing to read an open minded non-judgmental LDS view of homosexuality. The quote goes on to say: "A large number of gay people I know who have slept for years with their straight spouses without it making a slightest impact on their sexual orientation lead me to believe it would be an impossible assignment to take a truly heterosexual person and turn him or her into a gay person. Which brings us to a major point that must be understood. Both straights and gays discover rather than decide their sexual feelings.

C.L. Pearson mentions that as our times change, our views and perspectives and lives change. In Deuteronomy Chapter 14 it is mentioned that it was an abomination in the sight of God for you to eat meat of swine, rabbit, or shellfish. Do we consider this an abomination now? Of course not! Who doesn't love bacon with their breakfast? Laws/rules/abominations/etc change depending on the times. Take polygamy for example. At the time the LDS church was first organized, it was common and acceptable for men to have multiple wives. This of course was changed later. The church no longer accepts and supports polygamy. Things change depending on the times and the situations. I have my own opinions regarding this matter. It may sound blasphemous, so please realize this is just my own opinions. I really honestly think that one day the church will fully accept homosexuals into the church. Back when the church was founded, we did not allow black people to hold the priesthood, that has changed n ow. I believe that the same will happen with gays. Although it is against the doctrine in our times, I honestly think one day the church will accept and love gays just the same as they love and accept everyone else, black, white, purple, males, females, etc. No matter what color, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.

My best friend "came out" to her parents recently, and it was a horrible experience for her. It breaks my heart to see people rejected from their own families. Her mom said "what do you want from me?" and she said "All I want is your love and support." Her mom's response was "so you think i need to be gay too? because being gay is the only way to support you." OF COURSE NOT! You don't have to be gay to support gays. All they want is love and support and equal rights. You may not approve of their life decisions, but shouldn't you still love them like all your other children, and just like you did before they came out? Ridiculous. My response to her " you have to gay to support gays" comment was this. Do you have to be a democrat to support a democratic president? If Obama wins the election, are you going to refuse to support him?? Are you going to move to another country? No of course not! You dont have to be republican to support republicans, or vise versa. That theory is just beyond ridiculous.

Ok, I really should shut up. I'm sorry if I offended anyone. But I'm NOT sorry for expressing my opinions. We are all Gods children and he loves us no matter what. He loves us whether we are male or female, black, white, purple, red, blue, whether we are republic, democratic, liberal, whatever! He loves us whether we are sinners or active church goers. He loves us whether we are gay, straight, bisexual, transgender, etc. No matter what, no matter who we are or what we look like or what we believe, God loves each of his children no matter what. And although the church currently believes in "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" we as human beings have absolutely no right to judge anyone else. If you are perfect, you will be transcended and then I wont have to deal with you. In the meantime, everyone else left here on earth, be nice! LOVE EVERYONE!! If your goal is to be Christ-like, then you can start by loving everyone. Ok. I'm done. Thanks for reading, and I hope you wont be afraid to comment back and tell me if you think i'm a freak. :) And on a final note, I absolutely DO believe in, and support gay marriage. And I really believe that eventually (though probably not in my lifetime) gay marriage will be legal, and accepted, and gays will be able to hold the priesthood and enjoy the blessings of the gospel without being rejected. I get an Amen? HALLELUJAH! :)