Tuesday, September 9, 2008


2 years ago today I said "I do" to the man I loved and wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Today has been kind of a rough day not celebrating my anniversary, and knowing that my husband is living with another woman and no longer loves me. Most days I'm perfectly fine and I'm certain I'm over him. But today I spoke to my mother in law (soon to be ex-mother-in-law). Everytime I talk to her it makes me depressed all over again. I really miss Phil, and even though I know it's over and I know i'm better off without him, I still really miss him. We had some really good times and I will never doubt that he used to love me. I mean, look at the way we are gazing into each other's eyes? We were very in love. :(

This was the pic we used on our wedding announcements. Look how happy we were together. :( It hurts to know that we lost that happiness. I really did think we would be together forever.

Getting divorced sucks. No easy way around it. I am so tired of arguing and fighting and yelling and being hurt. I found this pic online and it really fits what most divorce is like. How can two people how are so in love end up hating each other?

It boggles my mind.

I hope that others who are, or may eventually be, going through divorce can be civil and be adults and still try to be friends. Not every divorced couple should have to be miserable and fight all the time. :( This is so depressing. Although I know with all my heart that I'm better off without him, and that he has moved on, it still hurts to not have him, and to wonder what I did wrong. *sigh*


Jay said...

Aww. That is a sad deal. I'm just glad knowing that you have such a good family and a supportive batch of friends close to home who can help you through all this.

Jaquelinne said...

My dearest gorgeous, brilliant sister, it is nothing YOU did. It was what he did. Relationships are hard work, and he failed to see that. He failed to remain committed. He failed to communicate. HE FAILED. I repeat, you did nothing "wrong" that caused all this. *big huggles*

Alyson said...

What a hard day... I can imagine how hurtful it must be to look back at all you had and all you thought was going to be. I think it's the disappointment of the abruptly changed plans/dreams that would be the hardest thing to get over. How do you redirect your life after you had planned it around him? Tim and I just had our two year the day after we got to Michigan. We were pennyless and spent the day unpacking and bickering.