Thursday, August 28, 2008


It is no secret that I am not a politcal person. I rarely stand up for anything. I tend to see multiple sides of every issue and am uncomfortable "picking a side." To this day I have been unable to pick a political party. I am not a democrat, i'm not a republican, I don't vote for a particular party, I vote based on people and their own personal stands. I guess I will call myself a republocrat? I like that. Or Demolican? Conservicrat? Conservrican? Democonservrican? Who knows! I am still in shock that it's almost election time again, and I have no idea who I'll vote for, or even if I'll vote at all. Everyone always says "your vote matters!" But does it really? And even if it does, is that something I want to deal with?? I voted for Bush. And everyone is always dissing him and saying what a horrible president he is. Why should I vote when people end up hating the decision anyway? I can't necessarily say I agree with President Bush's actions these past years. But I SUPPORT THEM! There's a different between supporting someone than agreeing with them. I think we all need to support our troops whether or not we think they should be out there fighting someone else's war. I can't imagine how it must feel for the families that are losing their loved ones then to hear us stupid americans criticize the war. These people are losing their lives and they don't have our support! What the?? I think the important part is sticking together as a country. We elected Bush, so even if you didnt vote for him, since the decision was made, we should all stand by him. I don't care if you dont like him or agree with him, we need to all be united and stand together. Good grief people! I am excited/anxious/nervous to see what the new year and new president will bring. I'm worried what will happen to this country if we do withdraw from the war in Iraq, but I dont necessarily agree with the war.

Next subject...racism. I'm so sick and tired of dealing with racist people. I saw this shirt and I almost want to buy it!!

I guess to an extent I can be kind of racist. But It's a natural defense mechanism for me now. I do not consider myself racist at all, I'm just being honest. I'm tired of seeing african americans and hispanics get all these bonuses such as amazing scholarships to college just because of their heritage. I don't think its fair!!! Because I'm a boring plain ol' white girl, I don't get anything. And quite frankly, I am the minority now! I walk into a Walmart and I'm like one of 3 other white people surrounded by blacks, hispanics, tongans, samoans, etc etc etc. Whites are the minority! I wish I could get an awesome scholarship cuz I glow in the dark. Plus then I think about getting a job. I would make so much more money if I spoke Spanish! I was looking through the classifieds this week and most of the job posts required bilingual applicants. Grr! We are in freaking America, and yet the immigrants get paid more money than me in my line of work because they can speak other languages. Yeah...real fair.

Ok...and now religion! I'm tired of "Utah Mormons." People are so judgemental and critical. It drives me bananas! I have a particular accquaintance that won't have friends if they aren't active LDS church-goers. I know as young LDS girl I was raised to only have LDS friends. I was always told that it was for the best to have only LDS friends so that you wouldnt get tempted to do bad things or be negatively influenced. I have grown up a lot since then and I disagree. I think we should be friends with EVERYONE despite gender, race, skin color, family or social history, and especially religion. GOD LOVES ALL OF HIS CHILDREN!! C'mon people! Do you really think God loves his Methodist children less than his LDS children? No freaking way! God loves me even though I'm not an active church goer. And in our quest to be come more Christ-like, shouldnt we all be friends with everyone? If Christ can love everyone, so can we. How can you reject someone because of religion? That isn't Christ-like at all.

I love the South Park perspective of what mormons believe. I'm sure most people have seen this clip, but its a CLASSIC!

I recently saw a bumber sticker that I feel absolutely in love with! It looks similar to this:

How cool is that? Co-Exist. Such a simple phrase that means so very much. Growing up in Utah, I'll admit that I only had LDS friends, but that is because I didnt know anyone that wasn't LDS. I went to Westminster College for a year, that was founded by the Protestant Church. A few blocks away from Westminster is Judge Catholic Memorial High School, which is a private Catholic school. The majority of those students went to Westminster with me. I was so naive about other religions and beliefs. Its made me really look into my own life and my own beliefs. And the only thing I truely still believe is that God loves everyone, every religion, everywhere. Co-exist!! At work, my department is actually pretty diverse (for Utah standards). I work with a Mormon, an ex-Mormon, a buddhist, and a muslim. And I love these people and we all bring something different to the table, and a unique perspective. I love it. :) And I hope we can all learn to love everyone despite religion, race, color, history, etc.



Jen said...

Amen to that sista! And btw happy buddhist friday! ;) I love your face.

Jaquelinne said...

Well said. Though I don't believe mom and dad ever told me not to have non-mo friends... it was just one of those things that worked out because there were so few non-moes in the area that odds were pretty in favor of having all LDS friends.

LOL though I think it nearly killed the parents when I brought home Mike for the first time. A smoking, tattoed, leather wearing, long-haired catholic. Bwahaha I'm surprised dad didn't have a stroke.