Sunday, January 11, 2009

Holiday Festivities!

So...its 2009! And yes...they call me "Captain Obvious". :) Its my nickname. Things with Phil haven't gotten any better. If anything they've gotten much worse. However, I am not going to talk about him during this post. Its been a craaaazzzy month! Of course Christmas, parties, New Years, Weddings, and I went on a road trip. So here's whats been up!

At the begining of December, we had our work Christmas party. I used my Christmas bonus check to get my hair did! I chopped off about 10 inches of hair. :-S Here are some of my photo memories. (Some of these were taken with my cell phone so I apologize for bad quality).

I took a few "before" pics to be able to compare differences. Most people had no idea how long my hair is. I cut 10 inches! Thats so much hair! I feel so naked without my hair. Here are my before pics:

It was about to the bottom of my butt:

Here is a pic of my hair on the floor. I know it doesnt look like 10 inches, but she cut more after the dye was done.

I make tin foil look GOOD! LOL

And here is an "after" pic. This was the 2nd day when I was attempting to figure out how to do my hair now that I have some layers and long bangs. I still havent quite figured out what I'm doing with it. Its been quite the change for me. I do love the color though!

Another small event at the begining of December was I got to meet up with my best friend from high school that I havent seen in forever! He took me out on a REAL date! I mean, he actually paid for dinner and everything! And then the silly boy made me watch Kung Fu Panda at a park in his car...even though it was freezing outside and the car was turned off. (And I promise, all we did was watch a movie! :-P )
Here is me and Brad back in 2001 when we were seniors. This one is Senior Prom:
This one was taken at my sisters wedding:

And here we are in 2009 :) I love this guy!

Then of course we had Christmas. Sadly, I didn't take harldy any pics! I was kinda preoccupied with my AWESOME iPod touch!

Here are a few random pics of family on Christmas Eve:
The Tompsons:

Christmas Eve is my aunt Cha's Birthday, so Craig gave her birthday spankings!

Tony, Jenny & Jesse
On January 1st we spent the first day of our new year in a car! We drove from Salt Lake to Livermore, California to celebrate my cousins wedding. Here is some roadtrip pics! The scenery was so beautiful. It amazed me how it was like a dry dessert in some places and then snowy, and then green, then snowy again. It was bananas. I had fun though. Yay roadtrips!

I have a lot more photos of Nate's wedding that will be posted very soon! But I hope you enjoy what i've posted so far :)


Jaquelinne said...

It looks like you guys had so much fun on the trip. I'm jealous!

Casey and Rachel Hall Family said...

wow! You had a TON of hair!!! You look gorgeous as always! and wow. Brad. I haven't seen or heard from that kid in ages! I didn't even know if he was still alive! lol! Tell him hello!